Figure skating is a graceful and exhilarating sport that combines artistry with athleticism. Whether you dream of gliding effortlessly across the ice or performing intricate jumps and spins, mastering the fundamentals is the first step on your journey. This page is dedicated to beginner figure skaters who are eager to learn the essential skills that form the foundation of this beautiful sport. From basic gliding and stopping techniques to introductory spins and jumps, we will guide you through each skill with detailed descriptions and helpful tips. Embark on your skating adventure with confidence and joy as you develop balance, control, and a love for the ice.


Stroking is the basic movement of pushing off from one foot to glide on the other. It is used to gain speed and involves alternating pushes from each foot.

  • Key Points:
    • Push off from the inside edge of the skate.
    • Extend the free leg behind and to the side.
    • Bend the knees slightly for better balance and power.


Gliding involves smoothly moving across the ice on one or both feet without additional pushing.

  • Key Points:
    • Keep your knees slightly bent and your body weight centered over the gliding foot.
    • Maintain a straight back and look ahead.
    • Arms can be held out to the sides for balance.


Stopping is essential for control and safety on the ice. Common methods include the snowplow stop and the T-stop.

  • Key Points:
    • Snowplow Stop: Push the heels outward while bending the knees, creating friction to slow down.
    • T-Stop: Drag one skate perpendicular to the direction of travel, forming a T shape with the skates.
    • Keep the body balanced and centered.


Edges refer to the sides of the skate blade, used for turns and curves. Skaters learn to glide on inside and outside edges.

  • Key Points:
    • Inside Edge: Tilt the ankle inward.
    • Outside Edge: Tilt the ankle outward.
    • Practice holding edges on both feet for balance and control.


Crossovers are used to gain speed while turning. They involve crossing one foot over the other in a circular motion.

  • Key Points:
    • Lift the outside foot and cross it over the inside foot.
    • Push off with the inside foot to continue the motion.
    • Maintain a low stance with bent knees and use arms for balance.


Swizzles are a basic move where the skater forms an hourglass shape by moving their feet apart and then back together, creating forward or backward motion. This helps skaters develop the ability to push off the ice and gain confidence in their balance and control.

  • Key Points:
    • Start with heels together and toes pointed outward in a "V" shape.
    • Push the feet apart using the inside edges, then bring the toes back together to form an inverted "V".
    • Repeat the motion in a smooth, continuous pattern.
    • Keep the knees slightly bent and the upper body stable.


Proper posture is crucial for balance, control, and overall aesthetics in figure skating.

  • Key Points:
    • Stand tall with shoulders back and head up.
    • Keep the core engaged and back straight.
    • Arms should be held out to the sides or in a comfortable position for balance.
    • Knees should be slightly bent for better control and stability.

These skills form the foundation for more advanced techniques and are essential for safe and enjoyable figure skating.