When you start to glide you really start to skate. When someone gets out on the ice for the first time they begin to walk around on their skates, Eventually on their own or with some lessons they to glide.

A glide is a push of with one foot and a glide on the other. The skater travels for several feet on one foot then switches to the other foot with another push. These alternating glides are called stroking.

There are several things that are important to consider when begriming to glide. First and most important is bending your knees. In fact bending you knees is important in more advanced skills as well. Get in the habit of bending you knees now while learning basic glides and you will be better off later. Do not push with your toe pick. This is another bad habit I see beginning skaters develop and it can be hard to break.

As you are gliding you can begin to feel the edges of the skates by tilting your gliding foot. If you tilt you foot to an inside edge you will turn to the inside. If you tilt you foot to the outside you will be on an outside edge and you will turn to the outside.

  • Key Points:
    • Keep your knees slightly bent and your body weight centered over the gliding foot.
    • Maintain a straight back and look ahead.
    • Arms can be held out to the sides for balance.