The Senior Moves in Figure Skating is a test that assesses a skater's proficiency in various fundamental skills. Here's an overview of what it involves:

Skills Required:

  1. Edges and Turns:
    • Mastery of basic edges (forward and backward).
    • Execution of turns (three-turns, brackets, loops, counters, rockers).
  2. Footwork Sequences:
    • Intricate footwork patterns demonstrating control and agility.
  3. Spins:
    • Different types of spins (e.g., upright, sit spins, camel spins).
    • Required variations within spins (change of foot, change of position).
  4. Jumps:
    • Single and double jumps (e.g., toe loops, salchows, loops, flips, lutzes).
  5. Connecting Steps and Transitions:
    • Fluid transitions between moves, showcasing skating skills.

Steps to Prepare for the Senior Moves Test:

  1. Technical Skills Development:
    • Edges and Turns: Practice basic edges with correct body alignment and control. Focus on mastering each type of turn (three-turns, brackets, etc.) with proper technique.
    • Footwork Sequences: Learn and perfect complex footwork sequences that demonstrate agility, musicality, and precise foot placement.
    • Spins: Develop spins with proper form, achieving required rotations and positions. Work on spins with variations and the ability to change feet and positions smoothly.
    • Jumps: Train single and double jumps, ensuring proper takeoff, rotation, and landing techniques.
  2. Program Components:
    • Develop a choreographed program that includes required elements. This program should showcase your skating skills, musical interpretation, and ability to connect elements seamlessly.
  3. Performance and Presentation:
    • Practice performing your program in front of an audience or judges to gain confidence and polish presentation skills.
  4. Off-Ice Conditioning:
    • Incorporate off-ice training to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance, which are crucial for executing moves effectively.
  5. Mock Tests and Feedback:
    • Participate in mock tests or competitions to simulate test conditions and receive feedback from coaches and judges. This helps in refining your performance and addressing any weaknesses.
  6. Final Preparation:
    • In the weeks leading up to the test, focus on consistency and mental preparation. Ensure you are confident with each element and can perform them under pressure.

By diligently working on these aspects, skaters can prepare themselves comprehensively for the Senior Moves test, demonstrating their proficiency across a range of fundamental figure skating skills.