
A Choctaw turn in figure skating is a fundamental maneuver that involves a change of edge and direction. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  1. Entry and Edge Change:
    • Entry: Skater approaches on one edge (for example, on a right outside edge).
    • Edge Change: Midway through the turn, the skater transitions from the current edge to the opposite one (in this case, from right outside to left outside edge).
  2. Transition:
    • This phase involves smoothly transferring weight from one edge to the other while maintaining control and balance.
  3. Rotation:
    • The skater completes at least a half rotation (180 degrees) during the turn.
  4. Flow:
    • Throughout the turn, the skater strives to maintain speed and fluidity, ensuring that the movement appears seamless and controlled.
  5. Exit:
    • After completing the rotation, the skater exits the turn on the new edge (left outside edge in this example) with controlled speed and continues with the program or transitions into the next element.

The Choctaw turn is often used to change direction or to link various elements in a program, showcasing the skater's technical ability and artistry.

Submitted by Abontu on