Skaters that want to perform at their best will need to do some off ice training. Any activity that improves core body strength, flexibility, or stamina will help you perform better on the ice. Aerobics. palliates, yoga, gymnastics, and dance are often popular choices for skater looking for some off ice training.


Off-Ice Warmup - preventing injury, improving performance

A proper warmup before skating will help you get the most out of your ice time and also help prevent injury. Skating a program or practicing intermadiate or advanced moves without properly warming up can lead to injury.


Off-Ice Jumping

Off ice jumping is a common practice. You should work with your coach before attempting this on your own. Doing off ice jumps without proper training can lead to bad habits and even injury. Talk to your coach about off ice training. Some rinks offer group and individual off ice training classes and sessions.


Strength Building

Figure skating require strength in every part of the body. Strong legs for jumping and landing, Strong arms for balance, and most of all a strong body core.


Core Stabilization

A strong core body is essential to athletes in all sports. Strength, power, speed, quickness, agility, coordination and balance (stability) all come from the core of the body. Strength begins in the core of the body and extends outward through the arms and legs, thus connecting all movements of the upper and lower body. The stronger the core of the body the more powerful and explosive movements can be. In addition, a strong core also inhibits unnecessary movements of the limbs, thus making all movement more efficient by conserving energy.


Advanced Balance Techniques

Figure skating requires good balance. Every element of figure skating requires strong balance.



Flexibility is important for figure skaters. A figure skating program includes movements that require the skater to extend and stretch.

"A number of studies report that acute and prolonged stretching may actually reduce human performance through decreases in force and power." Stretching impairs balance and worsens reaction and movement times, according to the results of a controlled study published in the August issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. This could be problematic for elite athletes as well as for the elderly.




Ice Dynamics

Off-ice training techniques do not require an expensive gym membership! These exercises can be done in any comfortable place with minimal equipment (see ordering section) and include strengthening, core stabilization, flexibility, off-ice jumping and rotation drills, advanced balance techniques and agility exercises. High intensity interval training is used to prepares the body for the demands of program run-throughs and teaches skaters how to work near their maximal heart rates to greatly increase stamina! This is a safe way to train, as heart rates peak each time skaters do their programs.

This book shows you how to incorporate all this into your workout using resistance bands, jump ropes, cones and other training tools. You will see the improvements in your flexibility, strength and stamina!

On-ice conditioning and edge exercises develop a well-rounded skater with balance, strength and power. Several off-ice exercises mimic on-ice skills, which transfer to on-ice power and edge drills for sport-specific balance, strength, control and speed.

Visit the Ice Dynamics web site for more information.


Ballet for Figure Skaters

Ballet for Figure Skaters has been developed by Annette T. Thomas and was introduced as an educational web site in 1999. The program utilizes Russian technique ballet combined with Pilates and Yoga based floor exercises to increase body awareness, centering and core strength, relating everything to the specific artistic and technical needs of the figure skater. Over the years, the response has been such a positive one that Annette has created a workbook which encompasses the full scope of concepts and exercises used in her classes.

Volume one of Fundamentals of Alignment and Classical Movement for Figure Skaters will give readers an opportunity to explore movement training from the inside out while using mind, body and spirit. Visit the Ballet for Figure Skaters web site for more details.