
A Mohawk turn in figure skating is a fundamental maneuver that involves a change of edge and direction. Here's a breakdown of its components:

Entry and Edge:

  • Entry: Skaters typically approach the Mohawk turn with forward momentum.
  • Edge: They start on a forward inside edge (for example, on the left foot).


As the skater prepares for the Mohawk, they shift their weight and bring the free foot (right foot in this example) around to cross in front of the skating foot (left foot), changing from the inside edge of the left foot to the inside edge of the right foot.


During the turn, there's a slight rotation of the body to facilitate the change of direction smoothly. The upper body remains upright and centered while the lower body executes the edge change.


Good flow is maintained throughout the turn, with continuous movement and minimal loss of speed. The skater maintains control and balance through proper edge control and body alignment.


After completing the turn, the skater exits on a new edge (in this case, the forward inside edge of the right foot) with their body now facing a new direction.

The Mohawk turn is essential in figure skating routines as it allows skaters to transition between different maneuvers while demonstrating control, balance, and technical proficiency.

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