
This figure skating jump is named after Ulrich Salchow the first person to perform it in 1909.

The Salchow is a figure skating jump with a takeoff from a back inside edge and landing on the back outside edge of the other foot after one or more rotations in the air. This is one of the easiest jumps to spot because of the swinging movement of the free leg. This swing gives the skater the momentum to complete the jump.



The entrance is usually a forward outside three turn but some skaters enter with a mohawk.


Take Off

This jumps takes off with a back inside edge as does the flip. The difference is the salchow is an edge jump and the flip is a toe jump. The salchow takes off on one foot with not top pick tap. For a counter clockwise jumper the Salchow takes off on the left foot. For a clockwise jumper, the Salchow takes off on (guess what) the right foot.



The skater lands on the outside edge of the opposit foot as the take off (right for counter clockwise, left for clockwise). Stretched free leg, level shoulders and straight back. Your arms check in the L position.


Common Errors
  1. Over rotation on take off.
  2. Poor body alignment leaning to the inside of the circle on take off