The figure skating intermediate moves test is a crucial step in a skater's development, focusing on fundamental skills and techniques. Here's a breakdown of what it typically involves and how to prepare for it:

Skills Required:

  1. Edges and Turns: Mastery of basic edges (forward and backward) and turns (three-turns, brackets, loops).
  2. Footwork: Sequences that demonstrate control and rhythm, such as mohawks, choctaws, and counters.
  3. Field Moves: Various movements like spirals, spread eagles, and basic spins.
  4. Jumps: Introduction to single jumps like the salchow, toe loop, and possibly beginning axels.
  5. Skating Skills: Overall skating ability, including speed, power, and flow.

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Build Foundation Skills:
    • Ensure strong basic skating skills, including balance, edges, and control.
    • Practice fundamental turns (three-turns, brackets, and loops) with precision.
  2. Learn Footwork Sequences:
    • Work on footwork sequences that combine different turns and edges.
    • Focus on maintaining speed and rhythm throughout the sequence.
  3. Master Field Moves:
    • Practice spirals and spread eagles to demonstrate extension and control.
    • Work on spins, focusing on achieving proper position and rotation.
  4. Introduce Jumps:
    • Start learning single jumps under the guidance of a coach.
    • Practice take-offs, landings, and jump rotations diligently.
  5. Choreography and Presentation:
    • Develop a short program or routine that showcases your skills.
    • Focus on transitions between elements and performance quality.
  6. Physical Conditioning:
    • Build strength and endurance through off-ice conditioning.
    • Enhance flexibility and agility through stretching and targeted exercises.
  7. Mock Tests and Feedback:
    • Participate in mock tests to simulate the actual testing environment.
    • Receive feedback from coaches and judges to refine your performance.
  8. Mental Preparation:
    • Prepare mentally for the test by visualizing successful performances.
    • Practice focusing under pressure and staying confident.
  9. Review Rules and Requirements:
    • Understand the specific requirements and scoring criteria for the test.
    • Ensure all elements and transitions meet the test standards.

By focusing on these areas and practicing consistently with guidance from a coach, skaters can effectively prepare for the intermediate moves test and demonstrate their progress and proficiency in figure skating.