The preliminary freestyle figure skating test is designed to assess a skater's fundamental skills in jumps, spins, and footwork. Here are the key elements typically included:

  1. Jumps:
    • Waltz Jump: A basic jump where the skater takes off from a forward outside edge and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot.
    • Toe Loop: A jump that takes off from the back outside edge of one foot, with the assist of the opposite toe pick, and lands on the back outside edge of the same foot.
    • Salchow: A jump that takes off from the back inside edge of one foot and lands on the back outside edge of the opposite foot.
  2. Spins:
    • Two-foot Spin: A basic spin performed on both feet, typically as an introduction to spinning techniques.
    • One-foot Spin: A more advanced spin performed on a single foot, demonstrating control and balance.
  3. Footwork:
    • Forward Crossovers: Crossovers in a circular pattern, showing the ability to gain speed and maintain balance.
    • Backward Crossovers: Similar to forward crossovers but performed in the opposite direction.
    • Three Turns: A change of edge and direction on one foot, creating a three-shaped pattern on the ice.
    • Mohawks: A turn from one foot to the other, changing direction and edge.
  4. Connecting Moves:
    • Gliding Steps: Demonstrating smooth, flowing movements across the ice.
    • Chassés: A step sequence that involves a glide on one foot, followed by a step and a glide on the other foot.

The skater must demonstrate control, proper technique, and fluidity in each of these elements to pass the preliminary freestyle test. The test is evaluated by certified judges who look for clean execution, good posture, and confident performance.