The novice freestyle figure skating test is part of the U.S. Figure Skating's test structure, designed to evaluate skaters' skills and readiness to advance to higher levels of competition. This test assesses a skater's ability to perform a range of required elements with a high degree of proficiency. Here's a detailed description of what the test typically includes:

Required Elements

  1. Jumps:
    • Double Salchow
    • Double Toe Loop
    • Double Loop
    • Double Flip
    • Double Lutz
    • Single Axel
    • Double Axel (optional, but often expected)
    • Combination Jump (including at least one double jump)
  2. Spins:
    • Camel Spin
    • Layback Spin (ladies) or Upright Spin (men)
    • Sit Spin
    • Combination Spin (with at least one change of position and one change of foot)
    • Flying Spin (optional, but often expected)
  3. Step Sequences:
    • Circular, Straight Line, or Serpentine step sequence demonstrating turns, steps, and edges.

Performance and Execution

  • Skating Skills: The test evaluates edge quality, control, and the ability to maintain speed and flow throughout the program.
  • Jump Technique: Proper takeoff, height, rotation, and controlled landing of jumps are crucial.
  • Spin Quality: Spin entries, positions, and centering are assessed.
  • Step Sequences: Complexity, accuracy, and fluidity of movements are considered.
  • Presentation: The skater's ability to perform with confidence, expression, and musicality.

Scoring and Passing Criteria

  • Judges: The test is evaluated by a panel of judges certified by U.S. Figure Skating.
  • Scores: Each element is scored based on execution, with specific guidelines for passing. Skaters must achieve a minimum passing score for each required element and overall presentation.
  • Pass/Fail: Skaters must pass all required elements to advance. If they fail, they may need to retake the test or specific elements.


  • Practice: Extensive practice and coaching are necessary to refine skills and meet the standards.
  • Mock Tests: Skaters often participate in mock tests to simulate the test environment and receive feedback.

Passing the novice freestyle test demonstrates a skater's readiness to compete at higher levels, including regional and national competitions.