The Flying Camel Spin, also known as the Button Camel, is an advanced figure skating spin that showcases a skater's balance, flexibility, and control. Here's a detailed breakdown of the elements and execution of this spin:


  1. Approach and Preparation:
    • The skater approaches the spin on a back outside edge, typically after a series of setup steps or a jump for added momentum.
    • The arms are held out to the sides or slightly forward for balance.
  2. Takeoff:
    • The skater launches into the air by jumping off the back outside edge of one foot.
    • The free leg (the leg not on the ice) is extended backward while the skating leg (the leg on the ice) pushes off to gain height and rotation.

Air Position

  1. In the Air:
    • The skater achieves a horizontal position in the air, similar to a traditional camel spin position.
    • The free leg remains extended backward and the body is parallel to the ice, resembling a "T" shape.
    • The arms can be extended out to the sides or brought together in front or above the head to aid in rotation and balance.
  2. Landing:
    • The skater lands on the same back outside edge of the skating leg.
    • The body remains in the horizontal position upon landing to smoothly transition into the spin.

Spin Position

  1. Execution of the Camel Spin:
    • Once landed, the skater maintains the horizontal position with the free leg extended backward, the body bent forward, and the arms positioned for balance.
    • The spin continues on the back outside edge, with the skater focusing on maintaining speed and balance.
  2. Arm and Leg Variations:
    • Various arm and leg positions can be incorporated to increase the difficulty and artistic impression. For example, the skater may change arm positions or lift the free leg higher to create different visual effects.


  1. Ending the Spin:
    • To exit the spin, the skater gradually rises from the horizontal position.
    • The skater transitions to an upright position or another spin, step, or jump.
    • The arms and free leg are brought into a position that facilitates a smooth exit and continuation of the program.

Tips for Execution

  • Balance and Core Strength:
    • Strong core muscles are essential to maintain the horizontal position and control the spin.
  • Flexibility:
    • Good flexibility, particularly in the back and hamstrings, is needed to achieve and maintain the correct position.
  • Edge Control:
    • Skaters must have precise control over their edges to ensure a clean takeoff, rotation, and landing.
  • Speed and Momentum:
    • Maintaining speed is crucial for a visually appealing spin, requiring both initial momentum and the ability to sustain it through proper technique.

The Flying Camel Spin is a visually striking element that, when executed well, demonstrates a skater's technical prowess and artistic expression.

Submitted by Abontu on