The Novice Moves in the Field test in figure skating is an important milestone in a skater's development. Here’s an overview of what it typically involves, along with steps to prepare:

Skills Required:

  1. Forward and Backward Skating: Mastery of basic forward and backward skating techniques, including crossovers and edges.
  2. Stroking: Smooth and powerful stroking with correct body posture and edge control.
  3. Turns: Ability to perform basic turns such as three-turns and mohawks with control and proper technique.
  4. Edges: Demonstrating proficiency in inside and outside edges on both feet.
  5. Footwork: Basic footwork sequences that involve steps, turns, and changes of direction.

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Find a Coach: Working with a qualified coach who can assess your progress and provide guidance is crucial.
  2. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is essential to mastering each skill. Focus on improving balance, control, and execution.
  3. Learn and Perfect Techniques: Work on each required skill individually until you can perform them confidently and consistently.
  4. Mock Testing: Simulate the testing environment in practice sessions to build confidence and familiarize yourself with the pressure of performing under evaluation.
  5. Prepare Mentally: Visualize yourself successfully completing each element of the test. Mental preparation can help reduce nerves on test day.
  6. Understand Test Requirements: Ensure you thoroughly understand what is expected for each skill. Familiarize yourself with the specific criteria for the Novice Moves in the Field test.
  7. Review and Refine: Continuously review your performance with your coach. Refine techniques and address any weaknesses or areas needing improvement.
  8. Physical Conditioning: Skating requires strength, flexibility, and stamina. Incorporate off-ice training, such as stretching, cardio, and strength exercises, to improve overall fitness and prevent injury.
  9. Dress Rehearsal: Prior to the actual test, consider doing a dress rehearsal where you perform the entire test in your skating attire. This helps you get used to the feel of performing the test in competition-like conditions.
  10. Stay Positive: Keep a positive mindset throughout your preparation and during the test itself. Celebrate your progress and learn from any mistakes or feedback you receive.

By following these steps and committing to consistent practice, you can prepare effectively for the Novice Moves in the Field test and showcase your skills confidently on test day.