Learning to skate is actually quite easy and fun. It requires a little determination, a lot of practice and no fear of falling down! Before you know it, you will be gliding around -- forward and backwards -- able to show off to your family and friends what you can do on the ice. Whether your goal is to learn to go backwards, land a Salchow, spin really fast, improve your hockey skating skills, do a graceful arabesque or even a triple Axel, we've got just the place for you to start! Remember, every champion had to begin with a few easy lessons...just like you.


Group Lessons

Group lessons are the place to start. Your local rink should have a Learn to Skate program. You should check to see that the program is affiliated with eithere Ice Skating Institute(ISI) or Untied States Figure Skating Association (USFS). You should check with your local rink to find out what program they offer.


Private Instruction

Private Figure Skating Lesson

Group lessons are a great way to get started with figure skating. After progressing through several levels of group lessons you will discover if you or your child is serious enough about the sport to move passed recreational skating. At that point you may want to consider private lessons. We found it was great at an early stage to have our skater in both group and private lessons.


Selecting a Coach

Meet the coaches and then approach one after class. The people who teach learn to skate programs and camps almost always give private lessons. These lessons will range in price depending on the skill level of the instructor. Since some coaches specialize in certain aspects of skating (moves, dance, spins,,,) it is a good find a coach that works well with other coaches,


Practice Sessions

To become a good skater you need to do more than come to you lesson each week. A beginning skater should attend public sessions offered by your rink. There you can practice the skills that you learned in lessons.

As you progress and start to do more advanced moves such as jumps you will need to attend "Freestyle Sessions" offered by you rink. A good skater will plan out their practice session in order to make good use of their time. A typical session would include.

  • Forward stroking
  • Moves in the Field
  • Spins
  • Jumps
  • Footwork
  • Moves in the Field


Off Ice Training

Core Strength

Skater that want to perform at their best will need to do some off ice training. Any activity that improves core body strength, flexibility, or stamina will help you perform better on the ice. Aerobics, palliates, yoga, gymnastics, and dance are often popular choices for skater looking for some off ice training.

Off ice jumping is a common practice. You should work with your coach before attempting this on your own. Doing off ice jumps without proper training can lead to bad habits and even injury. Talk to your coach about off ice training. Some rinks offer group and individual off ice training classes and sessions.