The pre-juvenile moves in figure skating typically serve as a foundation for more advanced tests and competitions. Here's an overview of what's typically required and how to prepare:

Skills Required:

  1. Forward and Backward Skating: Mastery of basic forward and backward skating with control and balance.
  2. Edges: Ability to perform clean edges on both inside and outside edges.
  3. Turns: Basic turns such as three-turns (both directions), mohawks, and consecutive turns.
  4. Stroking: Strong, purposeful stroking demonstrating speed and power across the ice.
  5. Stops: Controlled stops, including snowplow stops and possibly one-foot glides into a stop.
  6. Footwork: Simple footwork sequences showcasing agility and control.
  7. Spins: Basic spins such as a forward upright spin or a sit spin.

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Skating Skills Practice: Dedicate regular practice sessions to improve basic skating skills, focusing on edges, turns, and stops. Consistency is key to building confidence.
  2. Learn and Perfect Elements: Work with a coach to learn and refine each required element. Ensure proper technique and form are emphasized.
  3. Choreography and Footwork: Practice choreographed sequences that incorporate different footwork patterns and transitions. This helps in developing flow and presentation skills.
  4. Stamina and Endurance: Build stamina through off-ice conditioning and on-ice drills. Skating routines often require endurance to maintain speed and control throughout.
  5. Mock Tests and Feedback: Participate in mock tests organized by your skating club or coach to simulate the test environment. Receive feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  6. Performance and Presentation: Work on performance aspects such as musicality, expression, and connecting with the audience (or judges). Presentation is crucial in figure skating tests.
  7. Review Rules and Requirements: Understand the specific rules and requirements for the pre-juvenile moves test set by your skating organization. This ensures you know exactly what is expected during the test.

By following these steps and dedicating consistent effort to practice and improvement, skaters can prepare effectively for the pre-juvenile moves test in figure skating.